Archiwum 14 kwietnia 2019

I'll do it my WAY...
Autor: 155.julia
14 kwietnia 2019, 18:41




Today I will tell You something about idioms and expressions with the word "WAY". It is a very popular word in English and it can be used in many different contexts. Just keep reading :)


- under way- in progress

- on the way - arriving soon

- way out - strange, weird

- no way - absolutely not

- go out of your way (to) - take extra trouble to do something

- have your own way - get what you want

- all the way - till the end

- both ways - two sides to every argument

- in a big way - very much so

- in a bad way - feeling poorly, in a very negative situation

- in a familiar way - pregnant

- only way to go - the best solution

- way down - truthfully, the true feeling

- way off - completely wrong

- two-way street - the same for both people

- Way to go! - exclamation of praise


Best wishes,

