Najnowsze wpisy, strona 1

Animals lovers
Autor: 155.julia
21 kwietnia 2019, 18:56

Hi there!


If You love animals as much as me, You will for sure appreciate our today's topic. There are several "animal idioms" in English. I will provide You with 10 best animal idioms :)


1. As busy as a bee - very busy

2. Big fish in a small pond - an important person in a small place

3. Have bigger fish to fry - to have other more important things to do

4. Fish out of water - meaning someone feels out of place

5. Shooting fish in a barrel - something that is very easy to do or effortless

6. As strong as a horse - very strong

7. Play cat and mouse - to tease or fool someone

8. Rain cats and dogs - to rain very hard

9. Buy a pig in a poke - to buy something without seeing it

10. As poor as a church mouse - very poor


Some of the above are quite similar to their Polish equivalents, but some of them are completely different. If You know any other idioms with the names of animals, let me know in the comments.


Best wishes,


I'll do it my WAY...
Autor: 155.julia
14 kwietnia 2019, 18:41




Today I will tell You something about idioms and expressions with the word "WAY". It is a very popular word in English and it can be used in many different contexts. Just keep reading :)


- under way- in progress

- on the way - arriving soon

- way out - strange, weird

- no way - absolutely not

- go out of your way (to) - take extra trouble to do something

- have your own way - get what you want

- all the way - till the end

- both ways - two sides to every argument

- in a big way - very much so

- in a bad way - feeling poorly, in a very negative situation

- in a familiar way - pregnant

- only way to go - the best solution

- way down - truthfully, the true feeling

- way off - completely wrong

- two-way street - the same for both people

- Way to go! - exclamation of praise


Best wishes,



Phone calls
Autor: 155.julia
07 kwietnia 2019, 18:00



I wonder how often do You use Your phone? Is Your phone the thing You most frequently have in Your hand during the day? If yes, today's post is somthing for You because I want to remind You of some popular phrases used to describe a phone conversation.


- cut off - means to interrupt a telephone conversation

   example: Our phone line was cut off.

- get through - means to succeed in speaking to somebody on the phone

   example: I called him 3 times but I couldn't get through.

- hang on - means to wait for a short time

   example: Hang on please, I 'm just opening the door.

- hang up - to end a phone conversation and to put the phone down

   example: It's very rude to hang up in the middle of the conversation.

- call back - to phone somebody in return

   example: I'll call back when I'm back home.

- pick up - to answer a phone call

   example: Pick up the phone, please!

- put through - to connect by telephone

   example: I'll put you through the switchboard.

- speak up - to speak louder

   example: Please, speak up, I can't hear you.

- break up - to become inaudible over the phone

   example: I'm sorry, you're breaking up.

- hold on - to wait for a short time

   example: Hold on a minute!


I hope You will find these phrases helpful. Now, You're ready for every phone call! :)

 Best wishes,


I'm addicted to You
Autor: 155.julia
31 marca 2019, 08:21



Have You ever wondered how often we express our opinion about something? Most of the times we say "Oh, I like it" or "Well, I hate it"... But how can we express our attitude to something in other words? I'll provide You with some examples of phrases that can be used insted of the common "I like it".


So first, insted of "I like it" you can say...

- I enjoy 

- I love

- I'm passionate about

- I'm fond of

- I'm a fan of

- I'm interested in

- I'm into

- I adore

- I'm crazy about

- I prefer

- I'm addicted to

- I'm hooked on


Next, insted of "disliking something" you can say...

- I hate

- I loathe

- I can't stand

- I'm not much of a fan of

- It drives me crazy

- It's not my cup of tea

- I'm sick of

- It's not my thing

- I pass

-I'm tired of

- That's not for me

- I'm not crazy about


So now, if You adore my post or the whole blog, please leave a comment below.


Best wishes,


Very very...
Autor: 155.julia
25 marca 2019, 08:00



Today I'd like to write about a VERY popular English word - "very". We use this word far too often, while it's not that difficult to change it into something less obvious. This can be really useful, especially while writing any longer text and trying to avoid repeating the same word over and over again. So... here we go.


very funny - hilarious

very expensive - costly

verry happy - cheerful

very unusual - extraordinary

very important - essential

very nasty - dreadful

very bad - awful

very good - great 

very dirty - filthy

very cold - freezing

very big - enormous

very hungry - starving

very hot - sweltering

very tired - exhausted

very afraid - terrified

very angry - furious

very tasty - delicious

very little - tiny


As You can see, there are many words that describe some basic properties of people and things without the use of the word "very". Of course, I don't claim that we can't use this word at all, but while writing any more official texts, it's just not the most sophisticated word to be used.

Best wishes,
